Low FODMAP diet quick starter guide – vegetarian friendly
You’ve recently started the low FODMAP diet but you feel lost? You are planning to start the low FODMAP diet but you’re not too sure if you gonne manage it and you don’t want to see a dietitian yet? I…
How to cook delicious low-FODMAP meals?
No onions, no garlic, not too much salt, not too much sugar, not too much fat… The FODMAP diet may seem very restrictive and a very blank taste diet to you. However, following this diet does not mean that you…
FODMAP diet, what for? For whom?
If you don’t know what the FODMAP diet is, I first recommend you to start reading this article. Do you know what this diet is all about? Perfect, let’s see how the FODMAP diet has been developed and whether it…
What “FODMAPs” and “low-FODMAP diet” mean?
You may have already heard about the FODMAPs diet if you have some digestive troubles. Let’s see what it’s hidden behind this acronyme. First of all, what are FODMAPs? FODMAPs are sugars poorly digested by our body. They will…